The following abstract of an article wrote by some Italian researchers (University of Genoa, Italy) is a dire and cruel demonstration that “scientists” work in order to transform all the planet into a technologic network, i.e into Hell on Earth. The Italian university is going to create (or has it already created?) an artificial plankton: its target is “to develop a self-organizing network composed by a relatively large number of innovative nodes, equipped with sensors for monitoring, surveillance, underwater control and many others potential applications”. Military aims are manifest, just like the big earnings: in the document, notorious D.A.R.P.A. and N.A.T.O. are quoted. To change Mankind into a bionic generation, they start from the first link of food chain, the plankton. Nothing new under the sun, rather under the sea…
We thank Dr Hildegarde Staninger for the notice.
Here the abstract.

An old patent brings back chemtrails operations to sixties of XXth century. This patent concerns the spread of barium and strontium in order to cause changes in the atmosphere, by means of chemical reactions with the sunlight. The abstract quotes Sahara and Sardinia as experiments "laboratories": it's an important confirmation that some regions were chosen to make military tests. Today all the planet is suitable for these.
We thank Nienteecomesembra for the signal.
Artificial strontium and barium clouds in the upper atmosphere - purchase $ 31.50
H. Föppla, G. Haerendela, L. Hasera, J. Loidla, P. Lütjensa, R. Lüsta, F. Melznera, B. Meyera, H. Neussa and E. Riegera
Max-Planck-Institut für Physik und Astrophysik, Institut für extraterrestrische Physik, Garching bei München, Germany
Received 24 September 1966. Available online 21 October 2002.
Experiments with strontium and barium vapour releases in the upper atmosphere, carried out in the Sahara and in Sardinia in 1964, are discussed. The yield of evaporated metal was tested for different chemical reactions. Sr proved to have efficiencies up to 40 per cent. For Ba a mixture of CuO and Ba gave the best results with a yield of nearly 7 per cent. No Sr ions were observed in the experiments. Barium, however, is strongly ionized. The ionization proceeds in two different steps: during the initial phase with a characteristic time of about 5 sec and by a slower photoionization process with a characteristic time of about 100 sec. The diameter of the neutral clouds increased as one would expect for purely molecular diffusion. The rate of increase in the central intensity of the clouds at sunrise was greater than the rate of decrease at sunset. Atmospheric wind velocities of 50-130 msec−1 were determined from the motion of the neutral clouds. The motion of the ion clouds perpendicular to the Earth's magnetic field in- dicated the presence of electric fields. The initial expansion velocity for explosive mixtures was greater by about a factor of four than the mean thermal velocity of the atoms at a temperature of about 3000°K.
SOURCE: sciencedirect.com