"The fundamentals of aircraft combat survibability: analysis and design" of Robert A. Ball, is an important book about military strategies. Many researchers and independent scientists studied the link between humidity diminution and chemtrails. In fact, as soon as clouds appear in the sky, chemical airplanes take off and fly to destroy them: rain, snow and fog are an obstacle for electromagnetic signals through the atmosphere. This activity is linked to R.F.M.P. and V.T.R.P.E. Military purposes are described in the following excerpt: a technical source confirm what some people had understood, by means of observation and analyses. Propagation of radar signals through the atmosphere.
3.6.14 Determine the attenuation of a radar signal as it propagates through the atmosphere.
Radar signals are attenuated by the oxygen and water vapour in the Earth’s atmosphere.
The attenuation becomes significant at frequencies above 10 GHz. The attenuation over a distance R can be expressed in the form exp(−Rα), where α is the rate of attenuation per unit distance. Converting the attenuation to a dB/km format, the approximate values of attenuation in terms of dB/km for a particular atmospheric condition are approximately −0.006 dB/km at 3 GHz, −0.01 dB/km at 10 GHz, and −0.07 dB/km at 30 GHz.42 The corresponding attenuation over a distance of 100 km is −0.6, −1.0, and −7 dB.
Precipitation in the atmosphere in the form of rain, snow and fog can significantly attenuate radar signals as well as contribute to background clutter. Generally, the higher the radar frequency, the more attenuation. The rate of attenuation for both a moderate rain and a heavy fog is approximately 0.1 dB/km for a 10 GHz radar signal. Consequently, the signal will be attenuated by 10 dB after traveling 100 km in a moderate rain or heavy fog.43.
Go to Problems 3.6.43 to 3.6.44. Surveillance and weapon control radar descriptions.
Some of the attributes of effective air defense radars are all-weather capability, early and reliable detection (few false alarms) particularly for low-altitude targets, discrimination (the ability to detect and track a target in the presence of a high clutter environment), accurate target tracking, rapid automatic target acquisition, and countermeasures immunity. Table 3.13 lists estimated values for some of the major parameters of surveillance and weapon control radars, Example 3.8 contains the computations for several of the important radar parameters, and Refs. 44and 45 contain descriptions of some current radar systems.
Here the book Propagation of radar signals through the atmosphere.
3.6.14 Determine the attenuation of a radar signal as it propagates through the atmosphere.
Radar signals are attenuated by the oxygen and water vapour in the Earth’s atmosphere.
The attenuation becomes significant at frequencies above 10 GHz. The attenuation over a distance R can be expressed in the form exp(−Rα), where α is the rate of attenuation per unit distance. Converting the attenuation to a dB/km format, the approximate values of attenuation in terms of dB/km for a particular atmospheric condition are approximately −0.006 dB/km at 3 GHz, −0.01 dB/km at 10 GHz, and −0.07 dB/km at 30 GHz.42 The corresponding attenuation over a distance of 100 km is −0.6, −1.0, and −7 dB.
Precipitation in the atmosphere in the form of rain, snow and fog can significantly attenuate radar signals as well as contribute to background clutter. Generally, the higher the radar frequency, the more attenuation. The rate of attenuation for both a moderate rain and a heavy fog is approximately 0.1 dB/km for a 10 GHz radar signal. Consequently, the signal will be attenuated by 10 dB after traveling 100 km in a moderate rain or heavy fog.43.
Go to Problems 3.6.43 to 3.6.44. Surveillance and weapon control radar descriptions.
Some of the attributes of effective air defense radars are all-weather capability, early and reliable detection (few false alarms) particularly for low-altitude targets, discrimination (the ability to detect and track a target in the presence of a high clutter environment), accurate target tracking, rapid automatic target acquisition, and countermeasures immunity. Table 3.13 lists estimated values for some of the major parameters of surveillance and weapon control radars, Example 3.8 contains the computations for several of the important radar parameters, and Refs. 44and 45 contain descriptions of some current radar systems.
Here the book
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